Acero Estudio collaborates with the Peruvian Government in wastewater treatment

Escaneo de área de trabajo con dron para topografía en proyecto del tratamiento de aguas residuales


Public-private alliance in Peru: wastewater treatment for a sustainable future

In Peru, various projects have been carried out aimed at the construction of wastewater purification facilities (wastewater treatment), with the aim of improving water quality and protecting the natural environment. These projects are promoted through collaboration between the Peruvian government, non-governmental organizations and private companies. This initiative has gained momentum due to a growing awareness of the importance of preserving water resources and protecting the environment. As population and industrial activities have increased, it has become essential to implement systems that act as efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment plants.

Objective: preserve water resources by protecting the ecosystem

These projects aim to improve the quality of life of citizens, by expanding the water supply and enabling sanitation works. For this reason, the construction of wastewater treatment plants has been promoted in different regions of the country, benefiting thousands of people.

Acero Estudio has developed a significant role in the execution of topography projects in various Wastewater Treatment Plant projects in different regions of the coast, mountains and Peruvian jungle. In the jungle we can highlight projects in the cities of Tarapoto and Puerto Maldonado; in the mountains, in the provinces of Cusco, Huancayo and Cajamarca; and on the coast, in the provinces of Trujillo, Lima and Chincha.

fotogrametria Aérea del terreno en Perú
Survey with drone

Acero Estudio Latam leads surveying in wastewater treatment projects in Peru

Acero Estudio’s years of experience providing topography services has been fundamental in the execution of wastewater treatment plant projects. The georeferencing, polygonal, geometric leveling, bathymetry, photogrammetry with drones, LIDAR and detailed topographic surveys have provided precise information on the topography of the land, thus ensuring appropriate planning and execution of the works.

fotogrametría con drones del terreno en Perú

Committed to the development and well-being of Peru

Acero Estudio Latam’s commitment to contributing to the progress of the country and the well-being of the Peruvian population is evident in its active participation in projects at the national level. Our experience and technical competencies have played an essential role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants, thus contributing to the protection of the environment and the availability of clean and safe water for all.

The wastewater treatment plant projects in Peru are an example of the country’s firm commitment to the preservation of water resources and the conservation of the natural environment. Acero Estudio Latam’s dedication to the development of the country and the well-being of Peruvians is reflected in its active participation in projects at the national level, ensuring their success and promoting the sustainable development of the country for the benefit of the entire Peruvian population.

Vista de profesional con el dron para la realización de la topografía del terreno

Take into account that Acero Estudio provides various services dedicated to reducing construction risks such as:

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