What does an Acero Estudio topographic report contain?

ingeniera realizando un levantamiento topográfico

The topographic report that Acero Estudio delivers to its clients is a very important tool in the development of construction and engineering projects for an area or territory. This document provides a detailed description of the terrain studied, allowing engineers and architects to make informed decisions during the design and execution of any projects.

Our surveying service reports (as contracted) may contain the following information:

1. Physical description of the land

This is the foundation of all topographical reports. This section includes details about the morphology of the terrain, such as the presence of hills, valleys, plains or any other relevant feature. In addition, specific features of the relief can be described, such as the presence of peaks, natural terraces or depressions.

2. Contour lines that describe the slopes and their degree of steepness

The topographic map included in the report allows us to view the topography of the land in three dimensions. These lines connect points of equal elevation and show the slope of the terrain. The information provided by the contour lines is crucial to understand the slopes of the terrain and plan the location of the structures that are planned for construction.

3. Water displacement zones

It is critical for planning drainage and stormwater channeling systems. Having the topographic map allows us to identify the areas where water accumulates or moves and develop effective solutions to prevent flooding and guarantee adequate fluid management.

4. Types of soils and their geological characteristics, as well as construction recommendations for the area

Knowing the geological characteristics of the soil is important to determine the stability of the land and prevent problems during construction. The topographic report can include detailed information on the composition of the soil, its bearing capacity, permeability and other relevant aspects. Additionally, specific construction recommendations can be provided for each soil type, such as proper foundation techniques and measures to prevent erosion.

5. Presence of bodies of water

Very important for both urban planning and environmental conservation. The topographic report can indicate the presence of rivers, lakes, ponds or other bodies of water, as well as their location, size and hydrological characteristics.

6. Construction risks and mitigation methods

This point focuses on identifying and evaluating the possible risks associated with construction in the studied area. This may include geotechnical risks, such as landslides or subsidence, as well as environmental or safety risks. The topographic report may also include recommendations or mitigation measures.

As you can see, a topographic survey carried out by Acero Estudio provides a wide range of detailed information on the terrain, essential for the successful execution of your projects. Contact us today, we are at your service.

The role of topography to achieve sustainable urbanism

ingeniero de acero estudio realizando un estudio topografico

Sustainable urbanism consists of achieving healthy and organized urban growth along with conservation of environmental quality. In this article we will learn how topography plays a fundamental role in providing crucial information for the design and planning of urban environments that are socially, economically and ecologically sustainable.

Let’s learn about the ways in which surveying services contribute to sustainable urbanism:

By identifying natural risk areas

When mapping the topography of a city it is possible to detect areas prone to adverse natural phenomena such as floods, landslides or soil erosion. This allows urban planners to make informed decisions about infrastructure development and housing placement to minimize impact.

Availability of natural resources

In addition to its usefulness in evaluating natural risks, topography provides valuable information about the availability of natural resources and the capacity of the land to support urban development. By knowing the topographic characteristics of a city, it is possible to identify areas with potential for the installation of solar, wind farms or water collection systems. All of this contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, making human settlement and its resource management more sustainable.

Location of recreation areas

Thanks to the development of topography techniques, urban planners can collect important information that helps them locate the best areas for the development of urban infrastructure such as parks, sustainable mobility routes that allow reducing vehicle congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse.

It is worth noting that in many of these cases, not only topography is important, but also the combination of this discipline with other areas of study such as architecture and urban planning so that synergies are generated and help in the creation of more sustainable, inclusive and resilient communities. .

Remember that by integrating topographic considerations into the urban planning process, cities can become healthier and more resistant to climate change. Contact Acero Estudio, a leading company in topographic surveys in Peru and Spain; we are at your service.

Precision surveying for communications projects


One of the most important uses of Acero Estudio’s topography services consists of the support and generation of topographic studies for the telecommunications industry. In this sense, it is worth noting that the strategic and correct location of the antennas is crucial to guarantee effective coverage.

Thanks to the topographic surveys provided by Acero Estudio, you can know not only the topography of the terrain, but also various obstacles that can interfere with the signals and that are not visible to the naked eye. With this precise information, we enable telecommunications engineers to choose optimal locations for installing communications infrastructure.

Precision topography allows us to offer a highly accurate service by recording topographic, geodetic and geometric details. In communications projects, such as the installation of telecommunications towers, antennas, fiber optic cables or mobile network deployment, this advanced type of precision surveying is essential for these reasons:

Allows us to identify potential obstacles to transmission signals
It allows us to provide essential information for planning underground or overhead cables efficiently and safely.
It provides us with adequate information to minimize the environmental impacts of infrastructure and achieve the requested regulatory compliance.

To achieve this topography we use various technologies such as:

  • Total stations that are advanced instruments for detailed topographic surveys
  • High precision GPS
  • Terrestrial laser scanner
  • Topographic drones

Contact Acero Estudio, a company specialized in Topography in Europe and Latin America, do not leave connectivity projects to chance; trust the best.

Is it possible to carry out surveying with drones?

is it possible to carry out surveying with drones

In recent years, drone surveying has gained prominence among surveying services due to its efficiency and accuracy. Various prestigious brands offer drones, equipped with specialized sensors and mapping technology, these tools facilitate the collection of detailed topographic data as well as data that can later be compared with already prepared plans or used to carry out other types of studies. This approach has proven valuable in topographic surveying, providing crucial information on elevations, slopes, and geographic features.

In addition to topographic surveying, drones are capable of generating three-dimensional models of the terrain. This 3D modeling capability not only makes it easier to visualize topography, but also improves analysis and understanding of the geographic environment.

Another notable application is surface change control. By carrying out periodic flights, drones make it possible to monitor alterations in the terrain over time, such as erosion, construction or any relevant modification.

In the field of project planning and design, topographic data obtained from drones is essential. Detailed information streamlines the decision-making process and contributes to efficiency in construction, engineering and agricultural projects.

Additionally, precision agriculture benefits greatly from drone surveying. These devices can perform elevation maps and analyze crop health, providing valuable data to optimize agricultural practices.

The most commonly used sensors in surveying drones include RGB cameras, multispectral cameras, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and ultrasound sensors.

Drone surveying offers significant advantages, such as reduced time and costs compared to traditional surveying methods. Additionally, the ability to obtain real-time data and flexibility in flight planning make this technology increasingly popular in various fields.

Contact us and request more information about our drone topography and aerial photogrammetry services, we are at your service.

Construction Monitoring: The importance of continuous topography

importancia de la topografia continua
  • Introduction
  • Continuous Surveying Case in Action
  • Benefits of Continuous Surveying in Permanent Constructions
  • Types of Construction that Require Continuous Topographic Monitoring
  • Conclusions: The Crucial Need for Continuous Surveying in Construction Sites

1. Introduction

Construction monitoring is an essential facet in the construction and development of projects and continuous surveying is a tool that often makes the difference between the success and failure of a construction or engineering project. This article will explore the importance of having surveying services on an ongoing basis throughout the entire project, examining its benefits and highlighting the types of construction that crucially require this service.

2. Practical Case of Continuous Surveying in Action

There are cases in which a large-scale construction project requires great topographical efforts continuously throughout the construction process; This process is called continuous surveying. If initial surveying provides the foundation, continuous surveying ensures that the infrastructure will remain stable and safe throughout the construction process.

Thanks to the advancement and technology of our work, we can provide sensors that will accurately constantly monitor soil deformations, guaranteeing structural integrity and providing adequate data to take corrective actions before a structural collapse occurs.

3. Benefits of Continuous Surveying

Continuous surveying goes beyond simple initial measurement. It provides constant monitoring of the work, detecting any unexpected changes, which provides higher levels of security and optimizes resources by preventing problems before they worsen.

4. Types of Construction that Require Continuous Topographic Monitoring

Not all constructions demand the same level of topographic monitoring. Those of a permanent nature, such as bridges, skyscrapers, tunnels, dams and critical infrastructure projects, benefit significantly from continuous topography. The long-term stability of these structures requires constant attention to ground conditions and possible changes. Topographical surveying is no longer enough.

5. The Crucial Need for Continuous Surveying in Construction Sites

Continuous topographic monitoring stands as a fundamental pillar in risk management and effective planning, ensuring that each construction is a lasting testament to human skill. Ultimately, continuous surveying is not only a safety measure, but a wise investment for the present and future of engineering and construction.

The importance of Topography in the Construction of Industrial Plants

The design and construction of an industrial plant is a project of great magnitude and great importance for the companies that carry it out. Due to the risks involved, the size of the investment and the uses it will have; A work like this requires millimeter precision and careful planning to avoid serious errors or future risks for people and investment.

Reducing risks is where topography becomes an indispensable ally to detail every centimeter of the land. Knowledge of these characteristics will allow us to develop a construction adapted to its environment, safe with respect to potential natural disasters and also efficient in terms of taking advantage of the benefits of the area.

In this short article we will learn how when carrying out a topographic survey we not only provide efficiency but also reduce risks in the construction of industrial plants.

In industrial construction, risks range from ground instability to errors in the alignment of heavy machinery that can result in accidents or structural defects. Surveying identifies potential problems before they become real dangers. By revealing variations in terrain, potential flood zones, or subsurface inconsistencies, surveyors enable construction teams to proactively anticipate and mitigate these risks.

Before the first brick is placed, the topography will provide us with a faithful and exact representation of the terrain. Using advanced technologies such as 3D laser scanning and aerial drone photogrammetry (to create digital models), engineers and architects design with precise knowledge of site characteristics, resulting in more efficient use of resources. and an optimization of the plant design that translates into significant savings.

Modern surveying, with its precision, plays a vital role in cost estimation. By providing accurate data, you help avoid wastage of materials and human resources. The ability to accurately plan the required quantities of materials and labor required for each phase of the project prevents cost overruns and reduces the need for costly adjustments in the future.

Once construction begins, Acero Estudio’s topography services play a vital role allowing:

  • Constant comparison of current site conditions with design plans
  • Identifying and correcting ground deviations in real time
  • Keeping the project on its planned trajectory and within safety parameters

In addition to these important improvements, topography can help us:

  • Locate the best areas for the installation of tanks and cisterns
  • Maximize land use
  • Locate the most appropriate areas for merchandise maintenance
  • Locate the most optimal areas for logistics areas

The success of the construction of an industrial plant or warehouse is a very important factor that is achieved through various knowledge and professionals. The discipline of topography is one of these knowledge that, when integrated with construction capabilities, provides security and responsible risk management.

Ask more about our surveying services, we will be happy to assist you.

The Total Station in Surveying: An Essential Instrument for Accurate Measurements

total station

One of the most essential and versatile tools used in surveying services is the total station. In this article, we will explore in detail what a total station is and how it is used in surveying.

A total station is an advanced surveying instrument that combines several essential functions in a single device. Unlike traditional surveying instruments such as theodolite and scope, the total station is an all-in-one tool that allows surveyors to make accurate measurements of horizontal and vertical angles, as well as distances, heights and elevations. These measurements are made with remarkable precision, making it an indispensable tool in the field of modern surveying.

Components of a Total Station

Total stations consist of several key components:

  • Theodolite: The theodolite incorporated in a total station is responsible for measuring horizontal and vertical angles with great precision. It allows surveyors to point to specific points on the ground and determine directions and elevations accurately.
  • Distancemeter: Total stations are equipped with a distancemeter that uses laser or electronic technology to measure distances between the total station and the point of interest. This allows obtaining precise coordinates.
  • Spirit Level: A spirit level built into the total station ensures that the instrument is perfectly level, which is essential for accurate angle and elevation measurements.
    Screen or viewer: The total station generally has a screen or viewer where the collected data, such as angles, distances and coordinates, are displayed. Some modern total stations even have touch screens for a friendlier user interface.

Use of the Total Station in Topography

Total stations are used in a wide variety of surveying applications, including:

  • Topographic Surveys: To measure the elevation, distance and direction of points on the Earth’s surface, allowing the creation of detailed topographic maps.
  • Construction project control: In the planning and execution of construction projects, such as buildings, roads and bridges, to ensure that structures are built according to specifications.
  • Property surveying and demarcation: To determine property boundaries and create accurate cadastral plans.
  • Monitoring of deformations and changes: In geodetic studies to measure the deformation of structures or the movement of the ground over time.
  • Geology and geophysics: In geological studies to determine the stratigraphy of the subsoil and in geophysical studies to investigate the properties of the terrain.

Advantages of Total Stations

Using a total station offers several advantages, such as:

  • Greater precision: Allows highly precise measurements of angles, distances and elevations.
  • Efficiency: Simplifies the measurement process by combining multiple functions in a single instrument.
  • Speed: Facilitates obtaining data quickly and efficiently.
  • Data Storage: Many modern total stations can store and transfer data electronically, simplifying further processing of the information.

The total station is an essential tool in the field of modern surveying. Its ability to make accurate measurements of angles, distances and elevations with efficiency and ease makes it an invaluable instrument in a variety of applications, from creating detailed topographic maps to planning and executing construction projects.

Its incorporation of cutting-edge technology has transformed the way surveying measurements are made and has significantly improved the accuracy of the results.

Acero Estudio collaborates with the Peruvian Government in wastewater treatment

Escaneo de área de trabajo con dron para topografía en proyecto del tratamiento de aguas residuales


Public-private alliance in Peru: wastewater treatment for a sustainable future

In Peru, various projects have been carried out aimed at the construction of wastewater purification facilities (wastewater treatment), with the aim of improving water quality and protecting the natural environment. These projects are promoted through collaboration between the Peruvian government, non-governmental organizations and private companies. This initiative has gained momentum due to a growing awareness of the importance of preserving water resources and protecting the environment. As population and industrial activities have increased, it has become essential to implement systems that act as efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment plants.

Objective: preserve water resources by protecting the ecosystem

These projects aim to improve the quality of life of citizens, by expanding the water supply and enabling sanitation works. For this reason, the construction of wastewater treatment plants has been promoted in different regions of the country, benefiting thousands of people.

Acero Estudio has developed a significant role in the execution of topography projects in various Wastewater Treatment Plant projects in different regions of the coast, mountains and Peruvian jungle. In the jungle we can highlight projects in the cities of Tarapoto and Puerto Maldonado; in the mountains, in the provinces of Cusco, Huancayo and Cajamarca; and on the coast, in the provinces of Trujillo, Lima and Chincha.

fotogrametria Aérea del terreno en Perú
Survey with drone

Acero Estudio Latam leads surveying in wastewater treatment projects in Peru

Acero Estudio’s years of experience providing topography services has been fundamental in the execution of wastewater treatment plant projects. The georeferencing, polygonal, geometric leveling, bathymetry, photogrammetry with drones, LIDAR and detailed topographic surveys have provided precise information on the topography of the land, thus ensuring appropriate planning and execution of the works.

fotogrametría con drones del terreno en Perú

Committed to the development and well-being of Peru

Acero Estudio Latam’s commitment to contributing to the progress of the country and the well-being of the Peruvian population is evident in its active participation in projects at the national level. Our experience and technical competencies have played an essential role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants, thus contributing to the protection of the environment and the availability of clean and safe water for all.

The wastewater treatment plant projects in Peru are an example of the country’s firm commitment to the preservation of water resources and the conservation of the natural environment. Acero Estudio Latam’s dedication to the development of the country and the well-being of Peruvians is reflected in its active participation in projects at the national level, ensuring their success and promoting the sustainable development of the country for the benefit of the entire Peruvian population.

Vista de profesional con el dron para la realización de la topografía del terreno

Take into account that Acero Estudio provides various services dedicated to reducing construction risks such as:

Contact us and request a quote for our services, we are here to assist you.

We work in Peru to rebuild El Niño floods and prevent new ones

estudios de topografia,

Acero Estudio works in Peru to reconstruct El Niño floods and prevent new ones

The intense rains and river overflows caused the destruction of homes, bridges and roads, generating a large number of people affected and displaced. In addition, there were human losses and basic services such as the supply of drinking water and electricity were affected. Agricultural infrastructure also suffered considerable damage, affecting food production and the local economy, especially for the northern region.

The Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) developed the Comprehensive Plan for Reconstruction with Changes (PIRCC) to restore all physical infrastructure damaged and destroyed by the El Niño Coastal Phenomenon.

survey activities to prevent floodings in northern of peru

Acero Estudio collaborates in several reconstruction projects

From our headquarters in Peru we are developing the Topography Studies for the preparation of the project “Storm drainage of the city of Sullana”.

Additionally, within the study’s activities, we are carrying out field and office work on Geo-reference, Polygonals, Polygonal Leveling and Photogrammetry with Drones.

At Acero Estudio, a company specialized in topography services, we have a notable presence in Latin America (LATAM), as a consolidated company in the sector. With more than 25 years of experience and knowledge in the field of 3D Laser Scanning, BIM Consulting, CAD outsourcing service, Topography and Digital Twin, we have managed to establish a solid network of clients and strategic allies in various countries in the region through innovative products. and solutions,

Many thanks to our client TYPSA for the trust placed in us for the execution of the topography work.

fotogrametria y cartografia de la ciudad de sullana

Contact us and request more information about our topography, BIM consulting, LIDAR and cartography services; We are here to serve you.

Drones, transversal tools beyond the AEC sector

drone applications

The technological advances of drones make their use multidisciplinary.

Today, its integrated technology has allowed the capture of valuable data through images, videos, thermal information and other data, but today its applications are completely transversal, also allowing the possibility of offering other services, ranging from generating statistical information in time real to being vehicles capable of spraying chemicals on crop fields.

Drones are becoming more accessible every day, however their capacity and applications are progressively increasing. Despite the possible limitations of these tools, it is imminent that carrying out tasks with the use of conventional methods can be expensive, dangerous and sometimes simply impossible when it comes to accessing complex areas in services such as construction monitoring or photogrammetry with drones.

There are sectors where drones have a greater impact, but their presence is increasing in all sectors. Below we detail some of those applications.

Acero Estudio is passionate about innovation. Our team is prepared for great challenges. Finding the “how to do it better” is always our goal, based on curiosity and experience we look for efficient solutions and seek to optimize resources when approaching a project. Ask us about our services and scope, you will be surprised by all the solutions that our fleet of drones can offer.

Remember that Acero Estudio, a company specialized in drones, provides various services dedicated to reducing construction, engineering or architectural risks such as:

Contact us and request a quote for our services, we are here to assist you.