Our Drone Services

servicios con drones

Drones have become essential tools in the construction and architecture sectors. Their ability to perform complex tasks while avoiding human risks, combined with the use of increasingly advanced cameras and sensors, makes this technology highly useful for data collection and project monitoring.

Acero Estudio, aware of the potential of this expanding technology, made an aggressive approach a decade ago and began training in the use of drones and sensors. This has enabled us to offer our clients maximum value from drone services in Europe and Latin America.

In this regard, we have successfully provided high-value-added services in key areas such as:

Topographic Surveys with Drones

This involves using the drone’s cameras and sensors to capture high-resolution aerial images of a specific terrain. These images are then processed to generate precise maps and 3D models. This method is faster, less expensive, and more accurate than traditional surveying methods.

Photogrammetry with Drones

This process involves photographing large areas of land to create detailed maps and 3D models of these zones. The images are overlapped and processed using specialized software to extract precise geospatial information. It is a very useful service for construction projects and urban planning.

LiDAR Services

This technology uses lasers to achieve a precise topographic model, even in areas with dense vegetation. The data obtained with LiDAR allows for the creation of detailed topographic maps, which are necessary for many types of projects, such as hydraulic engineering in forested areas.

Construction Monitoring with Drones

We monitor the progress of your projects objectively and in real-time. Drones can capture images and videos at regular intervals, providing project managers with a detailed view of progress. This helps identify potential problems and ensures that the project stays on schedule.

Now that you know more about our drone services, do not hesitate to contact us. We are Acero Estudio, a company specialized in services for the construction, engineering, architecture, infrastructure, and mining sectors in Spain and Peru.

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