Differences Between Topographic Levels and Types of Leveling

realizando un levantamiento topografico

Among our clients, we’ve noticed an interest in clarifying the differences between topographic levels (tools) and leveling methodologies (procedures).

Types of Topographic Levels

In the field of topography, using different types of levels is essential for ensuring accuracy in height and distance measurements. Each type of level has its own purpose and characteristics, and its selection depends on the specific needs of the project.

Plane Levels
Plane levels, also known as optical levels, are primarily used to measure the horizontality of a terrain. This type of level requires the operator to manually adjust the instrument to make it horizontal before taking readings. They are ideal for simple leveling projects where it’s necessary to ensure that a surface is level in relation to a horizontal plane. They are widely used in construction and landscaping projects where ensuring the land or structural elements are perfectly level is necessary.

Line Levels
Line levels are more precise instruments that project a horizontal line on the ground, facilitating the alignment of structures across a surface. Unlike plane levels, they don’t require constant adjustments, making them faster and more efficient in repetitive alignment tasks. They are used in infrastructure projects, such as the installation of pipes or the alignment of pillars, where precision in height and alignment is crucial.

Automatic Levels
Automatic levels, also known as self-leveling levels, are the most advanced. They use a compensator that automatically adjusts the instrument to achieve perfect horizontality, eliminating human errors. They are extremely precise and are used in large-scale projects where accuracy is vital. This type of level is very common in civil engineering projects, road construction, and high-precision topographic surveys.

Types of Leveling

Leveling, the process by which the height difference between points on the ground is determined, can be carried out in various ways.

Trigonometric Leveling
Trigonometric leveling is based on trigonometric calculations using angles of elevation or depression and horizontal distances to determine the height of one point relative to another. This method is useful in rugged terrain or when the distances between points are long. It is employed in projects that require measuring height differences in uneven terrain or mountainous areas.

Height Leveling
Also known as geometric leveling, this is the most common method in topography. It consists of the direct measurement of height differences between several points using instruments like the automatic level. It is the most precise method and is used when high accuracy is required. It’s ideal for building construction, roads, and infrastructure projects that require precise height data.

Barometric Leveling
This type of leveling uses atmospheric pressure to estimate the altitude of different points. While it is less accurate than other methods, it is useful for preliminary studies in large areas. It is used in extensive topographic studies where millimetric precision is not required, such as in geographic explorations or environmental surveys.

Simple Leveling
Simple leveling involves measuring the height difference between two points using a handheld level or basic instrument. It is suitable for small projects where it is necessary to quickly determine the slope of the terrain. It is used in the construction of small lots, post installation, or landscaping projects.

Why Choose Acero Estudio as Your Topography Service Provider?

Acero Estudio is a company specialized in topographic surveys with over 10 years of experience in the industry. We use the most advanced technologies, such as drones for photogrammetry, and apply precise leveling methods to guarantee the accuracy of our work in all types of projects. Our team of experts is ready to offer personalized solutions tailored to each client’s needs.

If you’re looking for a reliable company for your next topographic project, contact Acero Estudio. We are ready to provide you with the best service in topographic surveys and drone topography.

10 Principal Uses of the BIM Methodology

principales usos de la metodologia bim

As we always emphasize on our website, social media, or through our technical teams in meetings with clients, the BIM methodology is here to stay and transform the construction, engineering, and architecture industries.

Below, we detail some of the main uses that companies give to this important methodology. The source of this valuable information is Statista, and we will expand on it with additional observations and ideas:

  1. Clash Detection (60.5%)

BIM allows interdisciplinary teams to work in a coordinated manner, detecting conflicts between intersecting areas and identifying design risks. This functionality is crucial for finding interferences between systems, such as crossing pipes, beams, or improperly placed electrical installations. This avoids rework risks and reduces construction costs.

  1. Visualization (49%)

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. With BIM, we can achieve an enhanced, precise 3D image enriched with metadata of physical elements. This allows those involved in the construction process to have the proper visualization that helps them better understand the design, communicate ideas to clients, and make informed decisions.

  1. Project Planning (46.5%)

Projects using BIM can implement detailed schedules directly linked to 3D models.

  1. Estimating (38.3%)

38.3% of the people in the study indicate that BIM facilitates and promotes the generation of estimates by allowing quantities and costs to be generated by the model. This results in more accurate budgets as the project evolves.

  1. Virtual Mock-Ups (36.1%)

Prototypes are useful for conducting tests, simulations, and obtaining client approval before proceeding with the physical construction of any project.

  1. Prefabrication of Elements (34.4%)

The manufacturing of columns, steel beams, and other elements greatly benefits from the use of BIM, as the detailed models allow for the fabrication of components off-site with a high degree of precision.

  1. Presentations and Sales (33%)

BIM is a powerful tool for commercial presentations and sales, as it allows companies to showcase previews of any project. This facilitates communication and increases the chances of closing sales.

  1. Take-offs (32.7%)

Measurements and quantity calculations are more precise and faster with BIM software. Teams can extract data from the model, reducing the margin of error and leading to better material estimation calculations, resulting in more efficient use of the project budget.

  1. Scheduling (28%)

BIM links project scheduling with the 3D model, allowing teams to better manage time and work sequences.

  1. Value Analysis (11.7%)

Although this and other features of BIM are the result of improvements that have been added to various software packages, it is important to consider them for evaluating different design and material options that maximize the project’s value.

The uses highlighted in the BIM methodology help us reveal a clear pattern: process optimization, improved coordination, and error reduction are the core values of this new BIM work paradigm. However, without proper induction to the methodology, it could be counterproductive, so we recommend adequate BIM consulting service.

If you want to learn more about Acero Estudio’s services for the construction sector, don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a group of highly experienced BIM consultants who can guide you in all your projects. Write to us today; we are at your service.

What is a Total Station in Surveying?

la estacion total en topografia

One of the most traditionally used tools in surveying companies is the total station. This device, an advanced version of the classic theodolite, allows for the measurement of distances and inclination angles in an area where a topographic survey will be conducted.

The total station includes a computer that records the analyzed points, which are then processed and integrated into a more complete topographic map where the study’s conclusions are developed. Additionally, this important tool can be integrated with GPS devices to achieve greater accuracy in the information obtained.

What Surveys Can Be Conducted with a Total Station?

With the total station, you can perform:

  • Angle measurements
  • Distance measurements
  • Determination of points and coordinates

It is also a useful tool for the development of:

  • Topographic surveys
  • Cadastral surveys
  • Tunnel topographic studies
  • Surveying for hydraulic projects

While it is true that UAVs have introduced various alternatives for topographic surveys in recent years, the use of the total station remains highly important, making it one of the most essential tools in surveying.

If you would like to learn more about our surveying services, please contact us. Acero Estudio has 25 years of experience in surveying in Europe and Latin America; we are at your service.

Similarities and Differences between BIM Methodology and Digital Twins

similitudes y diferencias entre bim y gemelo digital

In the field of construction, architecture, and building management, the BIM methodology and Digital Twins are fundamental tools for developing models that promote accurate work, provide a management strategy focused on information, and allow for precision in purchasing, maintenance planning, and information transfer between teams.

Although many professionals consider a BIM model to be the same as a Digital Twin, this is not correct, as both technologies complement each other to improve efficiency. In this brief post, we want to share a table with the similarities and differences between BIM and Digital Twins.

Aspect BIM Methodology Digital Twin
What is it? A BIM model is a 3D digital model that realistically represents the design and construction of a building or infrastructure. It also provides centralized project information, allowing for accurate knowledge of the construction characteristics, promoting efficiency, accuracy, and coordination between areas. The digital twin is a realistic, virtual, and dynamic representation of a physical asset in real-time.
Which phase of the asset is it used in? Mainly in design and construction. However, it has also started to be used in maintenance and property management work. Digital twins are useful for projecting activities such as operation, maintenance, and management of the physical asset.
What is its purpose? Improve coordination, communication, and interoperability between company areas to reduce errors, generate objective coordination strategies, and achieve greater cost efficiency. Digital twins allow us to create simulations to anticipate failures, errors, stress tests, etc.
Data update The data is updated in real-time during the construction process. In the Digital Twin, information can be dynamic and continuously updated with real-time data collected from IoT devices.
Simulation properties Allows for the generation of scenarios during design and construction. Allows for real-time simulation and analysis activities based on real asset information.
Interoperability Compatible with various popular software packages for construction professionals. Uses data dynamically integrated from sensors, IoT devices, and other systems.

As you can see in this table, the BIM methodology and Digital Twins are useful but complementary tools that can be used—one adding more value during the development phase of projects and the other in the asset management phase.

If you want to learn more about our digital twin services, BIM consulting, or BIM modeling, do not hesitate to contact us; we are specialists and at your service. Contact us today!

Is a Topographic Survey Necessary for Building Construction?

levantamiento topografico para construcción de edificios

The answer to this question is YES.

A topographic survey is an essential study for the construction of any building, regardless of its size or location. This study provides architects and engineers with an accurate and detailed view of the area. Through a topographic survey, it is possible to plan actions related to the project, such as earthworks and foundation design. Additionally, a topographic survey can influence the design and construction of the structure. Even in areas that appear flat at first glance, a topographic survey is crucial to ensure that the building’s foundations are correctly placed, preventing future structural issues.

Why Should I Conduct a Topographic Survey in an Apparently Flat Area?

A terrain that seems flat to the naked eye may conceal various irregularities, such as slopes, changes in soil type, or even the presence of underground water bodies. A professional topographic survey helps identify these and other factors, ensuring that the building’s design adapts perfectly to the natural characteristics of the land. Moreover, it ensures proper drainage and soil stability, minimizing the risks of settlements or landslides that could compromise the building’s integrity.

Risks of Constructing a Building Without a Topographic Survey

Building without an adequate topographic survey can lead to a series of serious problems, including:

  • Unevenly settled foundations
  • Inadequate drainage leading to soil erosion issues
  • Errors in the alignment of the building
  • Additional costs due to unforeseen construction errors
  • Environmental impact

What Type of Topography is Recommended for Building Construction?

For the construction of a building, several types of topographic studies are recommended, such as:

  • Topographic survey with planimetry and altimetry
  • Geodetic survey
  • Survey with LIDAR or photogrammetry
  • Soil study

In summary, a topographic survey is a 100% necessary study for any type of construction. It is also advisable to conduct progressive topographic surveys as the construction progresses to avoid errors.

If you need to contact a topography company, we invite you to reach out to Acero Estudio. We have 25 years of specialization in topographic services and surveys in Peru and Spain. We use cutting-edge technology and techniques, including our topography services with drones and drone photogrammetry.

Contact us today – we’re here to help!

Benefits and Applications of Aerial Photogrammetry: An Evolving Discipline

representacion digital de terreno obtenida mediante la tecnica de la fotogrametria con drones

Aerial photogrammetry is an essential tool for sectors that require detailed terrain mapping from an aerial perspective. Its applications are varied and encompass multiple areas, such as:

  • Cartography: Creation of precise topographic maps.
  • Urban planning: Efficient management of infrastructure construction.
  • Civil engineering: Supervision and development of projects.
  • Agriculture: Detailed analysis of soils and crops.
  • Disaster management: Rapid and accurate assessment of affected areas.

Currently, aerial photogrammetry relies on advanced technologies, with drone fleet (UAVs) being a key platform for capturing images from the air. Equipped with high-precision cameras and specialized sensors, these drones can cover large areas in significantly less time than traditional methods.

Moreover, advances in software have enabled the creation of digital 3D terrain models with remarkable precision. This software also facilitates the integration of data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS), enhancing analysis and decision-making in complex projects.

Some of the most notable benefits of aerial photogrammetry compared to other methods of territorial data capture include:

  • Speed in obtaining information.
  • High precision in the collected data.
  • Capability to cover extensive areas with a high level of detail.

Unlike geodesy or traditional topographic surveys, which require more time and personnel in the field, aerial photogrammetry allows for measurements to be taken from the air in much less time without compromising accuracy. Additionally, the ability to generate three-dimensional models provides a more complete and useful view of the terrain, facilitating both planning and project execution.

If you are looking for high-quality aerial photogrammetry and topographic survey services, we invite you to get to know Acero Estudio. We specialize in the use of drones and advanced technology to provide precise and efficient solutions. Our team of experts, with extensive experience in drone piloting and data processing, is ready to help you generate valuable information for your projects.

Contact us, and let’s discuss how we can collaborate to maximize the success of your projects. We are at your service.

Acero Estudio, the Best Surveying Company in Peru

nuestro equipo de profesionales especializados en servicio de topografia, levantamiento topografico, consultoria bim y servicios cad

If you are looking for a surveying company, you have come to the right place. Acero Estudio is the right choice, a highly specialized company providing surveying services in Peru and Spain. We have conducted topographic studies for infrastructure projects, construction projects, cadastral activities, residential and industrial constructions, among others.

With over 25 years of experience in Latin America (Peru) and Spain, we have established strong partnerships with the largest and most respected companies, achieving a large number of satisfied clients.

Our Technology

Technological development has also impacted our sector, leading us to extensively use the best technology to achieve faster and more economically efficient results. Therefore, in addition to traditional surveying services, we offer cutting-edge techniques such as:

  • Drone surveying
  • Aerial photogrammetry
  • Coastal and mining drone surveying

At Acero Estudio, we adapt to the specific needs of each project to guarantee precise and efficient results.

What Techniques Do We Develop?

Among the specialized techniques we implement are:

  • Polygonal surveying
  • Geometric leveling
  • Drone surveying
  • Drone photogrammetry
  • Topographic surveys
  • Geodesy services

With professionals specialized in each of these methodologies, we can offer precise and comprehensive data essential for the planning and execution of works of any scale and complexity.

We invite you to contact us and become part of our satisfied clients, benefiting from the quality of our work, punctuality, and responsibility in everything we do. At Acero Estudio, we are committed to excellence and your satisfaction.

Strategies for Improving Pedestrian Accessibility through Aerial Photogrammetry

Pedestrian accessibility in public infrastructure is crucial for the efficient and safe mobility of people. In Lima, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary to strategically plan the mobility of people in the network of Metropolitano stations.

This study was necessary because people needed to circulate with the least possible crowding, maximizing efficiency, and minimizing the risk of infections. Acero Estudio contributed its expertise in aerial photogrammetry, orthophotos, and GPS technologies to achieve this goal.

Study for Improving Pedestrian Accessibility in the Metropolitano

The Acero Estudio team in Peru conducted a conceptual study focused on the restitution and improvement of pedestrian accessibility at the Metropolitano stations in Lima. This project included the following tasks:

  • Geodesy
  • Drone flights
  • Restitution of the designated area
  • Presentation of results and improvement proposals

Methodology and Project Execution

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, all activities were carried out under strict preventive measures and with the necessary medical examinations for the technicians involved in the project. The process was carried out in the following steps:

  1. Placement of Geodetic Points at each station
  2. Linking with the coordinate system of the National Geographic Institute (IGN)
  3. Measurement of points using differential GPS with dual frequency
  4. Location of support points for drone flight restitution
  5. Marking points and measuring with GPS
  6. Obtaining high-precision data in real-time

Drone Flight Execution and Data Processing

Drone flights were conducted over the 33 Metropolitano stations at an appropriate height, considering the height of buildings and other existing elements in the environment. For this, a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone equipped with a 20-megapixel camera was used. The photogrammetric images obtained were processed to generate a point cloud and an orthophoto of each station.

Deliverables and Study Results

The results of this study provided an important working basis for both Metropolitano officials and city health policymakers to understand the objective situation and establish appropriate strategies to reduce infection rates and virus spread at the Metropolitano stations in Lima.

Contact Us, We Are Drone Photogrammetry Specialists

At Acero Estudio, we specialize in drone photogrammetry and LIDAR services. We perform our services with the highest technology on the market, promoting the development of engineering and architectural projects. Contact us and consult with us; we are at your service.

What Are the Marks Drawn During a Topographic Survey For?

puntos de levantamiento topografico

As you already know, topographic studies are of great utility to the construction and architecture industry as they provide the basic initial information necessary to undertake any construction or engineering work. With this in mind, it is important to consider that any project must have a serious topographic study before laying the first stone or even before creating a plan.

The Importance of a Topographic Survey Before Architectural Plans

The discipline of architecture involves the projection of elegant and beautiful constructions, but more than that, it consists of creating practical, useful, durable, and functional buildings.

Topography supports architects by providing the most relevant information so these professionals can develop their plans as adequately as possible. Consider, for example, the slope of the land and its importance for the design of sanitary installations. If the topographic plan does not provide this information to the architect, they will not be able to correctly locate bathrooms, drains, cisterns, etc. In this case, the lack of a topographic survey could lead to a series of problems resulting from an improvised plan.

Another paradigm is land with a diagonal slope. In this case, the architectural plan must consider not only the calculations for the front slope but also for the lateral slope, which will be necessary for the execution phase to make the necessary projections in earth movements, material acquisition, and other activities prior to construction.

Purpose of the Marks Made During a Topographic Survey

Now, let’s return to the topic of this article: the importance and purpose of the marks drawn on the ground during a topographic survey. These are reference points that serve both architects and engineers in developing their design and construction plans. These marks can be made from various materials such as wooden stakes, nails, tapes, paint, or chalk on the ground. It is important that they are made with visible and durable materials that allow surveyors and other construction professionals to identify these guide points.

What Relationship Do the Marks Have With Plans and Construction?

They have a direct relationship. The data collected and marked on the site is transferred to detailed plans that faithfully represent the terrain and its characteristics. These plans are essential for architects, engineers, and builders to have an accurate representation and location of the site on which the construction work will begin.

In the construction process, the marks allow workers to know exactly where to place foundations, structures, and reinforcements; they facilitate the alignment and leveling of the constructions and ensure that everything is built according to the design specifications. In other words, it is important to have them to guarantee that structures are built accurately and safely.

If you want to learn more about our topography services, contact Acero Estudio, a consulting company specialized in services for the construction and architecture sector.

Uses and Characteristics of the Total Station in Surveying

estacion total en la topografía

The total station is an essential tool in surveying due to its versatility and ease in measuring distances and angles. This tool combines the functions of a theodolite and a distance meter, allowing for the precise measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. Below are the main features and uses of this important tool:

Main Functions

Angle Measurement: The total station is capable of measuring horizontal and vertical angles with high precision, essential for the exact delineation of points on the Earth’s surface.

Distance Measurement: Equipped with laser technology, this device can measure distances with an accuracy of up to 1 mm, facilitating the acquisition of exact data.

Coordinate Calculation: Using trigonometry and triangulation, the total station determines the coordinates of specific points, providing values for (x), (y), and (z) (altitude).

Data Storage: This instrument includes internal memory or an electronic notebook to store and process the collected data, improving efficiency and accuracy in fieldwork.


  • Construction: Fundamental for the planning and execution of construction projects, ensuring that structures are correctly positioned according to designed plans.
  • Cartography: Used in creating detailed maps, providing precise information about the terrain’s topography.
  • Civil Engineering: Essential for the design and construction of infrastructure, ensuring that projects are carried out with precision and according to technical requirements.
  • Topographic Surveys: Crucial for determining the shape and characteristics of the terrain, facilitating informed decision-making in development projects.

Comparison with Other Instruments

Total Station

  • Functions: Combines a theodolite and an electronic distance meter, allowing simultaneous measurement of angles and distances.
  • Uses: Ideal for detailed topographic surveys, construction, and engineering projects.
  • Advantages: High precision, electronic data storage, and the ability to calculate coordinates directly.
  • Disadvantages: More expensive and requires specific training.


  • Functions: Measures horizontal and vertical angles but not distances.
  • Uses: Used in surveying to measure angles in complex terrains.
  • Advantages: Precise in angle measurement, more economical than the total station.
  • Disadvantages: Does not measure distances electronically, which may require additional tools.

Electronic Level

  • Functions: Measures height differences between points using a laser beam or an optical level.
  • Uses: Common in construction for leveling land and structures.
  • Advantages: Easy to use, fast, and precise in height measurement.
  • Disadvantages: Does not measure angles or horizontal distances.

Summary of Differences

  • Total Station: Measures angles and distances electronically, ideal for complex projects.
  • Theodolite: Measures only angles, suitable for tasks that do not require distance measurement.
  • Electronic Level: Measures heights, perfect for leveling in construction.

As noted in this brief compendium of information, the total station stands out as an integral tool in modern surveying, offering precision and efficiency in measuring angles and distances. Its angle measurement, distance measurement, and data storage capabilities also make it useful in construction projects, cartography, civil engineering, and topographic surveys.

Contact us, at Acero Estudio we are specialists in topography surveys and services for the construction and architecture industry.