The indispensable help of drones

topografia y drones

Drone technology is advancing at exponential rates and is increasingly accessible, which is why different sectors are taking advantage of and adopting drones in their work to drastically increase their efficiency. In other words, drones are changing the way businesses operate by reducing costs, saving time, improving safety and providing a direct return on investment, so their impact should not be ignored.

In particular, the use of drones in topography (topographic surveys with drones) represents a revolution. While the use of traditional methods provides more precision, the use of drones in this type of work offers more survey surface in the same period of time.

“There is a saying in the construction industry: “Time, cost and safety, pick two.” And what makes drones really transformative for us is that we can choose and improve all three.”

– Grant Hagen, Director of VDC, the Beck Group

As we already know, the use of drones brings with it a large number of advantages and each of these advantages has to do with their ability to reduce the time, danger and cost of the project. However, another very important factor to consider is this, are drones as accurate as traditional ground surveying methods?

For many years, the precision of drones has not lived up to their theoretical potential although this has begun to change. With drone solutions, a wide selection of surveying techniques is available that allows any project to be developed with excellent results.

At Acero Estudio, a company specialized in drones for topography, LIDAR and photogrammetry, we invested in drones for the development of this type of projects and we were not wrong. What are you waiting for to find out?

Take into account that Acero Estudio provides various services dedicated to reducing construction risks such as:

Contact us and request a quote for our services, we are here to assist you.

Drones and their transformation of the AEC industry

drone inspección de obras

Companies in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry are using drones to quickly and accurately collect topographic data.

The architecture, engineering and construction sector has historically been slow to adapt to technology. In fact, according to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, the construction sector is one of the least digitalized. This is underlined by another report, this one from JBKnowledge, which reveals that almost 60% of construction companies do not invest in new technologies.

Much of the AEC industry is using technologies and processes that no longer adequately serve their needs, either for projects or for associations. However, one area where the construction industry is expanding its use of emerging technology is the use of drones. Estimates by PricewaterhouseCoopers place sources of drone work for infrastructure at a market value of $45.2 billion. Today, an increasing number of disciplines within construction projects – such as designers, surveying companies, environmental consultants, builders and inspectors – use drones in the field to take aerial photography (drone photogrammetry). , volumetric analysis and topographic mapping, among many other things.

The ability of drones to collect real-time data on the jobsite has dramatically increased workflow and efficiency in design and construction. Drones are used most frequently in construction to carry out studies on construction sites, as is the case of our company, Acero Estudio, supervising the progress of the GECAMA wind farm in Cuenca, with the help of this technology. . Drones capture data that surveyors need but typically cannot see, as they have an unobstructed, high-altitude view of the construction site.

This also helps make the construction site safer, as drones can inspect difficult or dangerous terrain, keeping human surveyors out of harm’s way and helping construction workers avoid dangerous areas. For all these reasons, drones are replacing traditional methods of terrain surveillance and greatly reducing the time and manual work required.

It is an irony that the AEC sector is one of the slowest to adopt new technologies and yet one of those that could benefit the most from them. However, this sector has more readily adopted the use of drones, which can save large design and construction projects a lot of time and money.

Learn more about Acero Estudio

Take into account that Acero Estudio provides various services dedicated to reducing construction risks such as:

Contact us and request a quote for our services, we are here to assist you.

Topography and Drones, A Perfect Combination


In the current era, marked by technological advancements and a growing demand for efficiency across multiple sectors, the combination of surveying services and drones has emerged as a perfect alliance. This synergistic collaboration between surveying and drone technology has unlocked a wide range of applications and opportunities that are radically transforming the way we approach supervision, construction, and planning projects.

The use of drones in surveying is extremely versatile, and while their applications are varied, they particularly excel in construction and facility monitoring. At Acero Estudio, a company specialized in surveying, we have recognized the potential of this combination and have successfully implemented it in numerous projects.

A critical aspect in the preparation of any project, especially in the realm of large-scale public and civil works, is the meticulous study of the environment where the future action will take place. Precision and comprehensive understanding of terrain conditions are essential to ensure construction success and to avoid potential complications or delays in the process. This is where drones make their triumphant entrance, allowing for quick and precise detailed inspections and visual detection of potential obstacles.

The speed and efficiency of drones in this context are unparalleled. Before the era of drones, collecting topographic data involved lengthy manual procedures and costly ground operations. However, with the deployment of drones equipped with advanced sensors, surveying has become much more accessible and efficient. Drones can fly over extensive areas in a matter of minutes and provide detailed data ranging from terrain topography to the identification of key features such as buildings, roads, or vegetation.

One of the most notable benefits of using drones in surveying is their ability to capture high-quality images and videos. These images and recordings offer a precise visual representation of the current state of a work in progress, greatly facilitating the presentation and analysis of project execution progress. There is no longer a need to rely solely on abstract data or written reports; drones provide a comprehensive and detailed real-time view of the work.

This visual aspect is particularly useful for communication and collaboration in construction projects. Images and videos captured by drones can be easily shared with all stakeholders, from engineers and architects to clients and regulatory authorities. This transparency and clarity in data presentation can help avoid misunderstandings, clarify doubts, and streamline decision-making, thereby contributing to keeping the project within the established schedule and budget.

Furthermore, the use of drones in surveying extends beyond monitoring ongoing works. They are also employed in the initial planning stages of projects, allowing for a detailed assessment of terrain conditions before the first stone is laid. This is essential for identifying potential geographical or environmental challenges that may arise during construction. The ability to anticipate and address these challenges from the outset can prevent costly setbacks and design modifications later in the process.

Another significant advantage of drones in surveying is their ability to conduct periodic inspections and track project progress. Scheduled flight repetitions throughout the project allow for close monitoring of construction evolution and detection of any deviations from the original plan. This real-time tracking capability enables more effective resource management and a quick response to any issues that may arise during construction.

The integration of surveying and drones in the construction industry has proven to be a winning combination. The precision, efficiency, and ability to present detailed visual data offer invaluable value in the planning, monitoring, and execution of construction projects. In summary, the synergy between surveying and drones is paving the way for a more efficient and accurate future in the construction industry, benefiting all parties involved and ultimately the quality of the infrastructures we build.

Contact us to learn more about our surveying services as well as drone photogrammetry. We are at your service.

Topographic Survey – Topographic Services

levantamiento topografico en zona rural del peru

Topographic Surveying: An Essential Service for Construction and Project Planning

In the world of construction and architecture, precision is key. The infrastructure that is built must be safe, functional and aesthetically pleasing, but it all starts with a detailed understanding of the terrain on which it will be built. This is where land surveying comes into play, an essential surveying service that measures and represents the characteristics of a land surface. Without a doubt, this process is one of the fundamental pillars in project planning.

apoyo tecnico topografico de acero estudio en la construccion del tunel chacahuaro en lima
TECHNICAL SURVEYING SUPPORT of Acero Study in the Construction of the Chacahuaro Tunnel in the Department of Lima

Fundamental Pillars for Project Planning

Topographic surveying has become a highly specialized discipline that uses advanced techniques to obtain a detailed plan of the terrain. It is not limited to simply drawing a flat map; It goes much further by showing elevations and low areas with an impressive level of detail. In addition, it is capable of identifying and representing existing elements on the ground, such as trees, buildings or roads. This service is the first step towards creating a design that works in harmony with the natural environment.

For construction and architecture companies, surveying services such as land surveying are invaluable. By having precise knowledge of the terrain, architects and engineers can design structures that take advantage of the natural shape of the terrain’s slopes, taking advantage of its natural characteristics. This approach not only promotes the aesthetics and functionality of the design, but also generates significant savings by adapting to the existing topography instead of trying to modify it.

levantamiento topografico en piura peru

Surveying also plays a crucial role in geographic risk management. Nature can be unpredictable, but with the information provided by this service, it is possible to anticipate and manage a series of challenges. For example, flood zones can be detected, which is essential for planning construction projects near bodies of water or flood-prone areas. Likewise, areas of unstable land can be identified, allowing architects and engineers to plan construction processes that anticipate these challenges, thus avoiding costly corrections later in the project.

Furthermore, surveying not only benefits builders and architects, but is also essential in a variety of industries. For example, in the field of agriculture, this technique is used to plan irrigation and crop planting efficiently, taking advantage of the characteristics of the terrain to optimize production. In the energy field, it is used in the planning of wind and solar farms, ensuring that facilities are placed in optimal locations in terms of exposure to the sun and wind. Even in the realm of cartography and geology, topographic surveying is essential for creating accurate maps and understanding the geology of a region.

Surveying is much more than a simple measurement tool. It is an essential service that supports project planning, ensures the safety of structures and enables efficient management of geographic risks. From home construction to large-scale infrastructure projects, this discipline is an integral part of the construction industry and plays a critical role in creating a safe and functional built environment. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that land surveying is the foundation on which our world is built.

Other topographic services are:

  • Polygonal Topography
  • Geometric Leveling
  • Photogrammetry
  • 3D Laser Scanning

Contact Acero Estudio, a company specialized in topographic studies, we are at your service.

Casma and Huarmey topographic studies.

We are advancing at a good pace in the Topography works for the project:

“Riverside defenses of the Casma and Huarmey rivers”.

Acero Estudio LATAM, in Peru, provides field and cabinet services for the development of this project included in the Comprehensive Plan for Reconstruction with Changes (PIRCC) to restore all the physical infrastructure damaged and destroyed by the El Niño Coastal Phenomenon in 13 regions of the country: Áncash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Piura and Tumbes.

Our participation in this project consists of the topographical survey and preparation of the digital terrain model of the area in which the actions of this project are carried out in the preparation of topographic plans and records and the generation of volumetric reports on earthworks and civil works. . We also participate in meetings to reconcile the distance measurements of haulage routes and the volume of production of various materials.

Specific topographic surveys have been carried out to represent the terrain and the various existing elements contained in the digital model at different scales, such as bridges, intakes and other structures using different technologies, total station, GPS, drones, Lidar, echo sounder and level.

Among others, we use PIX4Dmatic software, state-of-the-art photogrammetry software for terrestrial, large-scale and corridor mapping.

We thank TYPSA for the trust placed in our team.

Lacramarca topographic studies.

We are advancing at a good pace in the works of the Topography Study for the project:

“Riverside defenses of the Lacramarca river”.

From Acero Estudio LATAM, in Peru, we provide field and cabinet services for the development of this project included in the Comprehensive Plan for Reconstruction with Changes (PIRCC) to restore all the physical infrastructure damaged and destroyed by the El Niño Costero Phenomenon in 13 regions of the country: Áncash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Piura and Tumbes.

Our participation in this project consists of the topographical survey and preparation of the digital terrain model of the area in which the actions of this project are carried out in the preparation of topographical plans and records, as well as generating the volumetric reports on earthworks and civil works. . We also participate in meetings to reconcile the distance measurements of haulage routes and the volume of production of various materials.

Specific topographic surveys have been carried out to represent the terrain and the various existing elements contained in the digital model at different scales, such as bridges, intakes and other structures using different technologies, total station, GPS, drones, Lidar, echo sounder and level.

Among others, we use PIX4Dmatic software, state-of-the-art photogrammetry software for terrestrial, large-scale and corridor mapping.

We thank ARTIFICIAL for the trust placed in our team.


Drones and their impact on the construction sector

We are at a time when the use of high quality technology can become a fundamental ally when it comes to standing out in the market of different industries. In the construction sector, for example, the use of advanced technology drones means a simplification in the processes to carry out eminent projects.

The ability of drones to collect real-time data on the job site has dramatically increased workflow and efficiency in design and construction. Drones are most often used in construction to conduct site surveys. These capture a large amount of data that is usually inaccessible visually, as they have a point of view free of obstacles and at a great height.

Likewise, this contributes to a safer work, since the drones can inspect difficult or dangerous terrain, keeping personnel out of danger and avoiding transit through areas that could be dangerous. For all these reasons, drones are replacing traditional methods of ground surveillance and greatly reducing the time and manual work required.

According to a report in the scientific journal Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, the use of drones for taking measurements and levels of a terrain, allows a reduction of working time of 50% with respect to drones. traditional surveying methods. In addition, it represents a reduction in lifting costs of 75%.

Our company, Acero Estudio, supervises the progress of the GECAMA wind farm in Cuenca, with the help of this technology and also offer surveying with drones.

We leave you some photos of the project and how the work is progressing.